The Net Age

Monday, May 31, 2004

Iptables and ip information

Abc of an IP Address:

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) Overview:

NAT & Private IP Address Ranges:

IPTables: More About It:

Using IPTables :

10 minutes to an iptables-based Linux firewall:

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Women and Shoes.

What is it with women and shoes?

Is it shopping, is it shopping the shoes?

Is it the whole thing? Finding the right shoe and then wearing it with some sexy outfit?

What is it with women and shoes?

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Using Windows to rename your files

Malicious Keys within the computer registry.

It was found by a friend of mine "J". It seams that the Spyware use this key to rename a file once the computer has been restarted


More information can be found at:

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Politics... what a wired game

That's all I wanted to write.

I had some things on my mind but I don't feel like writing anything else.

Monday, May 17, 2004


The feeling you get once a 3 hour exam is over, that is something else.

After staying awake for 2 days straight and reading a whole years worth of information, that is something else.

Hungry after malnutrition has caused a hole in your stomach, that is something else.

Having to read for another 3 hour exam scheduled for tomorrow, that is something else.

Writing this after all that, that is something else.

I am off to eat some food; nothing else.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Movies and music.

In most countries people pay to watch TV / movies and music.
What or who is actually being paid, the intellectual rights of the author
and the actors / the company that produce the movie and so on.

My initial proposal is that RIAA should stop suing people,
making peoples life so hard and they should try to find
an alternative solution to getting paid for movies and music.

I propose that a small annual fee be put forth for people
wanting to download music and/or movies. Therefore
granting the permit holder permission. Something like
watching TV just without the TV. This way you can choose
the content you want to see and it is not illegal since you
have a permit.

With broad-band and big databases of movie and
music content, this would make RIAA look good,
probably make a profit and keep everyone happy.

How will this be enforced? Hey I just had the idea. I
am not here to solve everything - and for nothing.

These are my personal views and I did not get or hear
this idea from any one or anything (forums,chats etc.).

New comer!

Well this is my first posting so stay tuned for some stuff.